The Evolution Of The Internet In 7 Charts


As we all know, the Internet has changed the way that we live and work. It’s a ubiquitous part of our lives and has profoundly influenced how we interact with each other and access information. In this article, we’ll take a look at how the Internet has evolved over the past seven years, using seven charts to illustrate our point.

The History of the Internet

The history of the Internet is a fascinating story. It has evolved from a small network of academic institutions to one of the most important and ubiquitous technologies in the world.

The origins of the Internet can be traced back to the late 1960s and early 1970s. At this time, researchers at universities around the world were working on projects called ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network). ARPANET was a network of computers that allowed researchers to share information.

In 1969, someone named Tim Berners-Lee created the World Wide Web. The World Wide Web was a network of interconnected servers that allowed users to access files on other servers. This made it possible for people to share documents, photos, and other information online.

Over the years, the Internet has continued to evolve. Today, it is a global network of billions of devices that allows people to communicate with each other in ways never before possible. Thanks to the Internet, we have become more connected than ever before.

The Connection Speed of the Internet

The internet has undergone a significant evolution over the years. In this article, we will explore the connection speed of the internet in charts.

When the internet was first developed, it was used primarily for research and communication. The connection speed of the early versions of the internet was quite slow. In fact, it took about 12 hours to connect to the internet from one end of the world.

Over time, however, the connection speed of the internet has increased significantly. Nowadays, most people are able to connect to the internet within minutes. This is due, in part, to improvements in technology. But also important is the fact that more people are using the internet. As more people use it, the network automatically expands and improves.

There are several factors that have contributed to the increased connection speed of the internet. First and foremost is technological advancement. Over time, new technologies have been developed that make it possible to connect more people to the internet simultaneously. Second is regulation. Several governments have passed laws that promote increased access to information and communication technologies. And finally, there has been an increase in funding for telecommunications infrastructure projects around the world.

So while technology has played a major role in increasing connection speed ofthe internet, it is also important to remember that more people are using the internet and the network has been expanding to accommodate them.


The Cost of the Internet

The cost of the internet has increased exponentially over the years.

In 1998, the cost of a gigabyte of data was $10. In 2018 it was $2,000. That’s an increase of 10,000%!

Along with this dramatic increase in price, the speed and quality of the internet has also improved dramatically. In 1998, it would have taken about 10 minutes to download a 1 megabyte file. Today, it takes about 2 seconds to download the same file.

The evolution of the internet in charts provides compelling evidence that the cost and quality of the internet continues to increase at an ever-increasing rate. This makes it an essential resource for businesses and individuals around the world.

How Many Websites Are Visible on the Internet

The internet has evolved dramatically over the years, and one of the most visible changes has been the growth of websites. The number of websites that are visible on the internet has increased exponentially, and this trend shows no signs of stopping.

According to Statista, in 2018 there were approximately 2.3 billion websites. This is a 44% increase from 2017, and it marks the first time that the number of websites has surpassed 2 billion. The growth of the internet is also evident in other areas, such as search engine traffic and social media followers.

Statista forecasts that the number of websites will continue to grow in the future. They believe that by 2021, there will be around 3.7 billion websites worldwide. This growth is likely to be due to the increasing availability of broadband connections and mobile devices.

Mobile Device Use and the Internet

As the Internet has evolved, so too has the way people use mobile devices. In fact, mobile device usage now accounts for more than half of all internet usage.

2. The Rise of Social Media

One of the main reasons for this shift is the rise of social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. These platforms allow users to share photos and videos with their friends quickly and easily. They also allow users to interact with each other in a variety of ways.

3. The Impact of Apps on Mobile Device Use

Apps have also played a major role in how people use their mobile devices. App stores like Google Play store and Apple App Store allow users to find and download apps from a variety of different sources. This makes it easy for users to find the apps they need.

Social Media and the Internet

The evolution of the Internet in charts has been a remarkable journey. The early days of the Internet were filled with excitement and wonder as people explored this new medium. As it turned out, the Internet could be used for many purposes, some of which were not even imagined at the time.

One of the earliest uses of the Internet was to communicate with other people who were also using it. This was accomplished through Bulletin Board Systems (BBSs). BBSs allowed people to connect with each other and share information freely.

As the popularity of the Internet grew, more and more people started to use it for business purposes. This was made possible by the development of Web servers and Web browsers. A Web server is a computer that is capable of hosting a web page. A Web browser is a program that allows you to access web pages on a web server.

The development of the World Wide Web followed shortly thereafter. The World Wide Web allowed users to access websites from anywhere in the world. This revolutionized how people accessed information and made it easier for them to find what they were looking for.

The Internet has continued to grow and change over the years, and there is no doubt that it will continue todo so in the future.



The internet has evolved dramatically over the past few years, and it is continuing to do so at an ever-quickening pace. In this article, we have compiled seven charts that illustrate just how much the internet has changed in that time period. From online shopping to social media usage, these charts demonstrate just how far the internet has come and what new opportunities it presents for businesses and individuals alike. Thanks for reading!


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