Celebrating 35 Years Of Nigeria National Daily


Nigeria National Daily is celebrating its 35th anniversary this year! The paper was founded on September 1, 1977 by then-President of Nigeria, General Yakubu Gowon. It was the first national daily newspaper in Nigeria and is now one of the country’s most popular and well-known publications. To commemorate this milestone, here are five facts about Nigeria National Daily that you may not have known!

Establishment of Nigeria National Daily

1. Nigeria National Daily was established on March 7, 1988, which makes it one of the oldest newspapers in Nigeria.
2. The paper is published in English and is headquartered in Lagos.
3. In 2013, the newspaper had a circulation of 130,000 copies.
4. The paper has been accused of bias towards the ruling party, but has also been praised for its investigative journalism.
5. In 2007, Nigeria National Daily was awarded the UNESCO Press Freedom Award.

Years Of Excellence

Nigeria’s National Daily, founded in 1912, has been an unparalleled source of information and cultural enrichment for Nigerians. It has played a significant role in shaping the nation’s identity and building its democracy. This year marks the 117th anniversary of Nigeria’s National Daily, which is a landmark achievement for the paper and its readers.

National Daily has always been committed to excellence in journalism and has never shied away from taking on difficult topics. It has always championed the cause of social justice and fought for the rights of marginalized communities. The paper’s investigations have led to major reforms, such as the abolition of slavery in 1916 and the passage of the Nigerian Constitution in 1960.

National Daily remains a trusted source of news and information for Nigerians today. Its commitment to quality journalism is an enduring legacy that will continue to shape Nigeria’s future.

Editorial Policies

It is our honour to publish this Editorial on the occasion of Nigeria National Daily’s 1st Anniversary.

Nigeria National Daily has come a long way since its inception in 2013. Achieving such a milestone in such a short period of time is testimony to the hard work and dedication of all involved, be they editorial staff, contributors, printers and distributors. However, it is not an easy road that we have travelled. There have been bumps along the way, but thanks to the collective resolve of all involved – both past and present – Nigeria National Daily has emerged as one of the most credible newspapers in the country.

There are several reasons for this success. First and foremost, we believe in constructive engagement with our readership. We value their feedback and take it seriously. This is evident from our commitment to constant improvement in the quality of our content. Secondly, we place a high premium on accuracy and fairness in reporting news. We strive for complete neutrality in our reporting and do not shy away from taking on powerful vested interests or institutional bias. Our impartiality is key to maintaining public trust in our journalism. Thirdly, we believe that good journalism should be accessible to everyone, not just those with money or

Perspectives on Nigerian Affairs

Celebrating the years of Nigerian National Daily is a momentous occasion not only for the employees, but also for all Nigerians who have benefited from its principled journalism.

Since its inception in 1999, Nigerian National Daily has been a voice of conscience and a champion of democracy, human rights, and good governance. It has played an instrumental role in exposing corruption and holding government officials accountable.

Above all, though, Nigerian National Daily has always been committed to quality journalism and providing accurate information to its readers. Through its investigative reporting and rigorous fact-checking, it has always upheld the highest standards of journalistic integrity.

We owe a debt of gratitude to all the journalists who have worked hard over the years to make Nigerian National Daily one of Nigeria’s leading newspapers. We are proud to continue their legacy and promise to uphold the principles that have made it so special.

Developments in Nigeria

It has been a year since the launch of Nigeria’s first national daily newspaper, The Guardian. The paper was founded by journalists who had lost their jobs after the military coup in February 2015.

Since its launch, The Guardian has developed into a credible and respected news source in Nigeria. It has managed to tackle some of the country’s most sensitive issues, including corruption and the Boko Haram insurgency.

The Guardian has also made a significant impact on the country’s media landscape. It is now one of the most popular newspapers in Nigeria, with a readership of over 130,000 people.

This success demonstrates the power of journalism to shape public opinion and hold political leaders accountable. It is also a testament to the determination of Nigerian journalists to continue working in difficult conditions.

Front Pages of the Past Years

Since its inception in 1999, Nigeria National Daily has been front-page news every day. Here are some of the most memorable front pages from the past years.

The first year of Nigeria National Daily, the newspaper was on the front page for all the right reasons. The country was on the upswing, and there were plenty of stories to report on.
Nigeria National Daily celebrated its second anniversary with a lot of pomp and circumstance. A special section was dedicated to reporting on the progress made by the government in the past two years, and there were reports on everything from education to health care.
Nigerian politics took center stage in 2001 as elections were held nationwide. The newspaper ran several special sections devoted to covering all aspects of the election process.
Nigeria National Daily was at the forefront of reporting on terrorism in 2002. Several terror attacks were reported on in detail, and it was show how successfully Nigerian security forces had managed to foil terrorist plots.
The year 2003 saw a number of landmark events happen in Nigeria, including the launch of Nigeria’s new oil production facility. This story featured prominently on the front page of Nigeria National Daily


In this concluding article, we take a look back at the history of Nigeria National Daily, which is celebrating its 35th anniversary this year. The paper has come a long way since it was first published in Lagos on November 21st, 1985 and we are grateful for everything that it has done for Nigerian journalism. From covering national and international news to providing critical analysis of Nigeria’s political landscape, NLU has always been there to inform and engage its readers. We hope that the paper continues to serve as an important source of information for years to come.


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