10 Things You Can Do With Right-Click On A Chromebook


Chromebooks are a great device for students who need a computer that can be easily portable. They are also great for people who want to save money on their computing costs. In this article, we will show you 10 things you can do with right-click on a Chromebook.

Open a File

1. Right-click on a Chromebook and select “Open a File”. This will open the file in your default browser.

2. You can also right-click on a link and select “Open in New Window”. This will open the link in a new window, which will be floating above your current Chrome window.

Control System Preferences

1. Right-click on the top of your Chromebook screen to open the Control System Preferences window.
2. In this window, you can control various aspects of your Chromebook’s operating system and hardware.
3. One important thing to note is that you can change your Chromebook’s settings without restarting it. This means that you can make adjustments to your Chromebook’s operating system without having to wait for it to restart.

By right-clicking on the top of your Chromebook screen, you can open the Control System Preferences window. This window allows you to control various aspects of your Chromebook’s operating system and hardware. For example, you can change your Chromebook’s color scheme, adjust its sound levels, and adjust its security settings. You can also change your Chromebook’s settings without having to restart it. This means that you can make adjustments to your Chromebook’s operating system without having to wait for it to restart.

Adjust Keyboard Settings

One of the most common tasks you’ll do on a Chromebook is right-click. Here are some things you can do with right-click:

Adjust Keyboard Settings: You can change the keyboard settings on a Chromebook to make it easier for you to type. You can also change the key size and type of keyboard.

Open Files: You can open files from your computer or Google Drive by right-clicking on them and selecting “Open In Chrome.”

Print: You can print documents by right-clicking on them and selecting “Print.”

Add or Remove Shortcuts

One of the great features of Chromebooks is that you can easily add or remove shortcuts from the Chrome OS desktop. This gives you more flexibility in how you use your computer, and makes it easier to access specific applications or websites.

To add a shortcut, first click on the desktop icon in the bottom left corner of the screen. Then, click on “Chromebook shortcuts.” You’ll see a list of all the shortcuts on your computer, as well as an “Add” button. When you click on this button, Chrome will search for a shortcut that matches the name of the application or website that you’re trying to access. If it finds a match, it will add the shortcut to the list below the “Add” button.

If you want to remove a shortcut from the list, simply click on it and then click on “Remove.” Chrome will ask if you want to delete the shortcut permanently or just delete it from your computer for now. If you decide to delete it permanently, Chrome will save the shortcut offline so that you can access it later if you need it.

Change your Desktop Background

One of the great features of Chromebooks is their ability to run many different applications without having to install them. One way to use this feature is to change your desktop background.

To change your desktop background, right-click on the bottom right corner of your screen and select “Desktop Background.” From here, you can select from a variety of different backgrounds.

Turn On Night Mode

If you’re looking to get a little extra productivity out of your Chromebook, you can turn on night mode. This mode makes the screen darker and harder to see in bright light.

You can also use right-click to access tons of other features on your Chromebook. For example, you can open new tabs, change your keyboard settings, and more.

Extend Battery Life

One of the best things you can do to extend the life of your Chromebook is to right-click on the taskbar and select “Enable System Restore.” This will reset your Chromebook’s system files, and it should help to fix any problems that you may be experiencing.

Another great tip is to keep your Chromebook clean. If you don’t have time to clean it yourself, you can use a chromebook cleaner to help get rid of any built-up messes. Additionally, make sure to save your work frequently so that you don’t lose any important data.

Find and Remove Program Files

One of the most common tasks on a Chromebook is to remove programs from your computer. You can do this using your right-click on the Chrome window.

When you right-click on a Chrome window, you will see a list of options. The first option is “Remove program.” If you select this option, Chrome will automatically start removing the program from your computer.

If you don’t want to remove the program, you can instead choose “Keep installed.” This option will keep the program installed on your computer, but it will be hidden from view. You can access it by choosing “Tools” and then “Extensions.” From there, you can choose to show or hide the program.

Enable or Disable Auto Updates

1. You can enable or disable auto updates on your Chromebook.

2. If you enable auto updates, they will be downloaded and installed automatically.

3. If you disable auto updates, you will not be prompted to download and install updates from the Chrome Web Store.

Change the Open With List

If you right-click on a file in your Chromebook, you’ll be able to choose to open it with a different application. For example, you can open a document with Google Docs or Microsoft Office.

You can also change the open with list by right-clicking on a file and selecting “Open With…” from the menu. This will display a list of all the applications that can open the file.


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